Six weeks have passed and I’ve thought so many times about digging out the laptop and tapping away on a blog post. But somehow I never quite find the time. Baby E is now 11 1/2 weeks old and although we’re getting more sleep time at night, she dominates the days. And so she should. She is just amazing.
But here I am. Tapping away whilst arms and legs flail in front of me. E is refusing to nap and instead is wiggling around on her tummy on my tummy, practising holding her little fluffy head up, cooing and laughing with twinkly blue eyes at something random on the wall behind me. I think she might be finding the light fitting funny. It’s usually a good 10 minutes’ worth of amusement each day, until she remembers she has hands and tries to stuff them into her mouth for the next half an hour.
Suffice to say, my good life-ing journey has been taking a little sabbatical whilst I navigate motherhood. There are days that are so busy, yet I lie in bed at night wondering what on earth I’ve actually done. To say that my Smallest Smallholding has been neglected is an understatement.

The borders are going over, looking a bit sad and neglected
But two days ago I had a mini victory when I managed to wheel E out in the garden in the pushchair, get her to settle and sleep whilst I raked barrow loads of autumnal leaves. I’ve got garlic and shallots waiting in the wings to be planted but that’s going to take some coordination, on a day when Rich isn’t working. Which is a rarity at the moment.
I’m doing small things in snatches and it’s helping me stay rooted and not get lost in nappies, muslins and milk. I’ve baked an apple tart and bought a small bag of compost to pot up the winter pansies and cyclamen for the back door.
Whether I get around to actually doing everything on my To Do List… well, that’s another story altogether.
Got to sign off, E is yelling and the leg action has kicked up a notch.