Just a quick one – I’ve learnt of 1300 battery hens who could be saved from the abattoir if enough homes are found. Any left behind will definitely go to slaughter this month, so if you’re able to give these girls a second chance, please visit my Smallest Smallholding Facebook page for more info from Mel Lazenby’s post (you may need to scroll down the Facebook Wall to find the original post).
And remember, if you haven’t got any room but think you know someone that might (or even if you don’t), please share! These battery hens have a chance of a second life of freedom, so let’s work together to try and make it happen – thank you!
I’d love to help, if only I had a coup etc. It is something we’re thinking of doing when money permits but not really in time to help with your problem… 🙁
Will pass this on to anyone I can think of who may be able to help tho…
we are looking to take on some rescue hens. Problem is, we live in Aberdeenshire, so not in the area these hens are being rescued from. We live in the countryside and have a total of 55acres. Would need to build a hen house, but we have the wood- just need to work out how to build. Can anyone recommend good book for beginners. Don’t want to be a bed owner.
Don’t want to be a BAD owner !!!
I think I can take 6 – 8 off these birds I live in Gilnahirk, Belfast and have just had an area cleared in my garden would love to have some.
Wrong part of the country for me, although we do need to restock so I will be looking for some rescue chickens in the Lincolnshire area later in the year.
live newtownards do you still needs homes for hens .
would love to take a load, have done this before and have kept chickens for years the fox just paid us a visit and wiped out our entire lovely chicken family so would like to help save some other chickens, where do I go?
Hi was wondering if you still have the battery hens.
We have a small holding at NR Church Stretton, shropshire with a livery yard, hen coops, owls, Lady Armatage pheasants, and ducks.
unfortunately earlier this year , a fox/ several took most of the hens
We are looking for 20 to replace them
Hi guys,
Thanks for your replies. You can contact the organiser Sophie McCoy on sophiemccoy@hotmail.com – as far as I know, the birds will only be rehomed on the basis that they will NOT be culled once they stop laying. Their new homes out of the cages are classed as ‘forever homes’ and they are not intended as a means to restock for commercial purposes – they’ve had enough of that already! If you’re happy with this, then please do contact Sophie and she’ll guide you on with the rehoming process. Thanks again,
Smallest Smallholding
hi just wondering if you still have any left we are in kent and would love to help
i’m gonna put a link to this post on my blog if thats ok with you. i wish i could adopt some!
Sadley I have lost 3 of my girls and would like to replace them as the 3 girls left look lost in the garden without them. I live in Northampton, are you anywhere near as I don’t want to stress them travelling too far. I just can’t imagine our home without them they are such a joy and good company. They have trained us to do their bidding in a very short time. They still have a job they clear the veggie beds at the end of every season! they turn the soil over so well it looks like bought compost! The only down side to this we have to replace the worms.
looking for 3-10 new ladies to join my 5 girls just lost some from old age,6 and 7 years leg horns layed till the end
If there are any I would like 100 because I want to get eggs and I live I’n Antrim I’n Ireland could u ship them over please I would love it
I am waiting for my first chicken coup to be delivered from amazon> I hope it won’t be too late. I also live in the western isles and worried that could be a problem getting them.
Hi, i live in Scotland and i am desperate to adopt two ex-battery hens. I’ve read up closely on their requirements and was appauled by the way these wee guys are treated. I have a communial garden of a considerable size. My neighbours are not in anyway concerned with the prospect of additional ‘residents’, as my partner and i souly maintain this land. As a first time owner and carer of hens, though not of all other two and four leg pets, i feel two would at first suffice. I fully understand the implications for these dear sweet creatures if loving homes are not found, and so any and all replies would be greatfully received and appreciated.
i can always take a couple of xtras in derby area as i have lost a couple over last few months due to a sour crop
Are any of these being rehomed in Essex? I would love to help by giving 4 a home as I have 3 already
i would love to help if possible but i dont know how to contact you? i would be greatful if you could email me back
It is my daughters 8th birthday and we are wanting to get her 4 (possibly 6) hens as a present. we live in Woking surrey and could not see an address for your smallholding.
Would love to have two, have had chickens for years just thought it would be nice to help a few hens and add to the flock.
How do I go about it? We live in Hampshire.
Hi guys, this appeal is over, but there are some more hen rescue organisations you can try:
http://www.bhwt.org.uk (british hen welfare trust)
http://free-at-last.org.uk/ (Free at Last)
as well as Sophie McCoy, who rescues and rehomes in the Wigan area: sophiemccoy@hotmail.com
i would love to help i live in the shropshire area and have room fo a few hens
Hi Everyone
LUCKYHENS RESCUE – WIGAN … is run by Alison & Dane Thorpe, they have been rescuing ex batts for over 2 years now..
They constantly rescue ex battery hens for re-homing!! .. The sooner they are re-homed the sooner they go back and rescue more, to date they have re-homed over 1600 …
Amberswood Common
Manchester Road
Contact Numbers : 07888730763 OR 01942 233375
Email: luckyhens@gmail.com
Thanks for reading this post!!
(Luckyhens – Admin)
I can take four hens if any are available and can be delivered to my address in Bearsden, Scotland.
I’ve got someone who is looking to rehome 6 – 12 ex battery hens in Ipswich, Suffolk.
Where do we go to get them,
Regards, Edna.
We have three hens started about 8 months ago and would now like to rehome two ex battery hens if anyone knows of any please ring 07411453060 in the aldershot area or near by thanks
no web site but we can take 4 now, we live in Longden, and are looking for some layers thanks Sarah