2018 – Living With Less Plastic

In years gone by I would have sat down at my laptop today and made a huge long list of New Year resolutions, most of which I wouldn’t even get close to achieving. I’m an idealist, but in my old age (I turned 35 since last posting) I have come to realise that life is a journey and sometimes it takes a whole to get to where you want to go. Also, as a parent, there’s also this thing called extreme lack of free time.

winter garden

So whilst I could easily list 20 goals for 2018, for this year I’ve decided to keep it simple:

 – Work hard to reduce my personal debt
– Start a saving fund for emergencies (so no credit card spends)
– Work on decluttering our house
– Live with less plastic

I was aware that there were a couple of programmes airing on TV fairly recently that highlighted the plight of the oceans due to our addiction to plastic. Whilst I didn’t catch the programmes, I have seen a few related clips and infographics floating around on social media. It’s been enough to inspire me to try and make a change. 

The more I’ve thought about it, the more I see how pervasive plastic has become in our lives. Especially the non-recyclable stuff that goes straight in the bin, into landfill, and who knows where after that. 

As much as I would love to declare January as a “plastic free month”, in my heart of hearts I know this isn’t possible. So I will start to make a few changes to begin to build momentum:

9 Tips Less Plastic

This is a start, and I hope you’ll join me in living with less plastic 🙂 If it sounds like too much too soon, here are some quick and easy tips to reduce your plastic consumption to get you started.


  1. Gary Bamford says

    Fantastic read you are spot on for 2018 I live in the cairngorm Highlands of scotland .I too live very qwiet and not see folk for weeks .Having a plan is key enjoy growing and living well

  2. Susan Williams says

    With you all the way, but I do use Tupperware-type containers for freezing. I’ve had them for years and they’re probably going to see me out which just goes to show how non-biodegradable they are.
    I bought them when it was still acceptable and now I can’t get rid of them. I suppose they’ll end up as some sort of garden container…