The little patch of strawberries are starting to ripen and I’ve got my very first crop of strawberries to enjoy this year.
I started off with four little Cambridge Favourite strawberry plants, bought for about £1.29 each from my local independent plant nursery. I added a couple more freebies that were sent with a plant order earlier this year, and with a little (and I mean, minimal) TLC, the plants have thrived, flowered and fruited. We now have a small but vigorous strawberry patch that has endured despite the late April frosts earlier this last spring.
It seems Cambridge Favourite have proven to be a successful strawberry variety, which need only a little love and attention to produce a decent yield. I’ve given mine a couple of liquid seaweed feeds, and an initial mulch of general peat-free organic compost at the beginning of the year, when I divided the plants and runners. Our sandy soil also helps with drainage, and with a regular water every few days the plants seem happy and healthy.
It’s now a question of beating the birds and woodlice in a race to see who can enjoy the ruby-red spoils this summer!
It seems to be a good year for strawberries, mine are laden but I’ve had to net them as the pesky birds would chomp on them all day long.