My local Gardener’s Association has an Autumn Show coming up. It’s just a shame that I don’t have anything to enter. I missed out on the Summer Show too, it just happened that I was at that ‘inbetween’ stage where I’d gobbled everything that I’d pulled out of the ground, and everything else was nowhere near ready. Maybe next year I’ll be more prepared and have a much bigger range to choose from. My flower growing has been a lot better this year, with my Cosmos being a veritable success. I gave some to my mum and now they’re almost as tall as houses, and like mine still going strong (“yey!” say the bees). I might even have a go at entering the photographic and cooking entries, although they don’t appear at the Autumn Show, so I’ll have to wait for next year.By that time I will be 25 and probably one of the youngest entrants there! I just wish more people my age had the same interests – growing your own veg and eating it is just SO good for your soul.
I’ve also been collecting some seeds from the garden – namely Hollyhock and sweet pea, those good old English standards. The bees just go mad for the hollyhock, and they loved the sweet peas this year too. It was so nice to walk past them on a slightly damp summer evening and catch the smell. Over the summer I kept cutting them to encourage the flowers, the bonus being that my kitchen was filled with their aroma. So I’ll definitely be trying to use those seeds again next year. There’s something really satisfying about cracking the sturdy brittle pods open and thumbing out the seeds. I think I’m going to make some handmade seed packets to store them in. Maybe even tins. I’ll add it to the list of the other twenty five thousand enterprises I’m planning on doing.
If you would like to exchange any seeds then I would be willing to do so. I have collected the seeds of the following plants;
Aquilegia (latin name) – Columbine. Purple and Pink varieties.
Dianthus (latin name) – Rockery pink. White variety.
Nigella (latin name) – Love in a mist. Light blue variety.
Primula japonica (latin name) – Candelabra Primrose. Yellow variety.
Primula variabilis (latin name) – Polyanthus.Yellow and red varieties.
Viola (latin name) – Pansy. Mixed colours.
Helianthus (latin name) – Sunflower. Yellow and ruby eclipse.
Let me know if you would like any.
Sara from farmingfriends
I have tagged you for a funny, random, weird fact. Hope you don’t mind. I related mine to me on the farm.
Sara from farmingfriends
Hi Lucy,
just wanted to let you know, that you are not the only 25yr old interested in growing veg and cooking! I am 26 and became the proud holder of an allotment with my dear friend Clare two months ago (and I am no shy in enlisting the help of my b’friend for some hard work!) and I love cooking, with or without recipes by just improvising with what you have lying around in the kitchen 😉
PS I really enjoy reading your blog!