Because I’ve kept the growing to a minimum this year to get on top of other jobs at The Smallest Smallholding, there’s been little to harvest so far. The onions, garlic and potatoes are growing steadily and strongly (thank goodness), and I haven’t sown a seed from the many packets that I bought back in the Spring when I was feeling a bit more gung-ho about my growing this year. We harvested a small amount of asparagus and used some chard from the plant that comes up every year in the corner of my veg plot, but apart from that, it’s pretty much a waiting game at the moment.
I may stick a few rows of lettuces in somewhere, but for now the plots are quiet, but full of promise. The one plant that I am able to harvest is from what I like to call a happy accident. I don’t know where they originally came from, but for years we’ve had a plentiful supply of alpine strawberries growing in the shingle outside our back door. The little fruits are super sweet and juicy, and after a cursory wash under the tap go perfectly with a little yoghurt, on top of my breakfast cereal, or just as is.
The runners are so prolific that each year, once all the strawberries have been harvested (by myself or the birds!) I have to rip a load out to make sure they don’t go from vigorous growers to rampant. I’m not sure we would ever be able to harvest enough to make a few pots of jam, but maybe one year I’ll let them go out of control and find out.
I suspect they were bought in by the birds, I have a patch in my garden too! I let the children go harvest them as they ripen they love to eat them straight from the plant 🙂
You’re probably right! However they got here, I’m happy to have them. Now if the birds could plant me a passion flower, pear tree and some apple espaliers, that would be great 😉